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short acquaintaince
when i was a child, every night before my dad wished me goodnight, i would ask him why this or that word means this or that. why is a lion called a lion, dad?
he wouldn't always know the answer
but he did know i had a great interest in language.
when i was a teenager, i started reading and writing poetry.
language lives and human beings live with it. we kiss each other when we're in love, we point fingers when something doesn't work out. we both evolve, language and i.
it's no surprise i started studying linguistics and literature.
then, rather unexpectedly, came film.
seeing things through the lens of my low pixel camera changed my view upon my surroundings. concrete became abstract. especially the all-embracing movement struck my eye.
“we all live in the interstices of each other’s lives, and we all would get a surprise if we could see everything”
(iris murdoch 1954 under the net)
margot coremans
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